
Departamentul de Formare Continuă și Informare Tehnologică

The Department of Continuous Training and Technological Information

The Department of Continuous Training and Technological Information is the unit within the Danubius International University, which ensures the transmission and valorization of knowledge in different specialized fields. Our center provides continuous training programs and technological information. We have a team of trainers with extensive experience who can guide you through your learning journey and help you achieve your professional goals.

  • We offer a variety of specialized courses to help you hone your skills in different areas as well as acquire new competencies.
  • We organize periodic events to keep you up to date with both legislative news and the evolution and implementation of new technologies in different sectors of activity.
  • We offer nationally/internationally recognized certifications to validate acquired skills.
  • You have the opportunity to expand your network and interact with other professionals in the field.




Andra Luciana Marcu

+40 753 612 085



Assistant Director

Sorin Midoi


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