The role of the ERASMUS + Compartment is to coordinate the participation of Danubius International University in European-funded programs such as Erasmus +, thus offering the students, the academic staff and the administrative staff the opportunity to get involved in mobility activities or other types of projects in the field of education and professional training.
Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2021-2027
Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2014-2020
- coordinating activities within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme, the EEA and other European programmes in the field of education and professional training;
- implementation of study or traineeship mobility projects financed by the Erasmus + or EEA Programmes, having the students or recent graduates of Danubius International University as well as foreign students as beneficiaries;
- management of teaching and training mobility activities carried out by academic staff or administrative staff;
- informing and advising potential beneficiaries about European mobility programmes;
- disseminating the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + Programme, the EEA and other Community programmes in the field of education and professional training;
- initiating Inter-Institutional Agreements with universities or with other institutions from abroad;
- implementation and development of the Internationalization Strategy of Danubius International University.